Enjoy life with EASY HEALTH.

Do you want to get a better refund on your medical expenses?

No problem with EASY HEALTH!

First-class hospitalization, physiotherapy, homeopathy, dentures, professional dental cleaning, glasses, contact lenses or laser surgery! With EASY HEALTH supplementary health insurance, you are perfectly covered!

No time to lose when you need to see a specialist?

BEST CARE⁺ takes care of it for you.

This insurance included in EASY HEALTH guarantees you an appointment with an internationally renowned specialist within five working days!

Health cover for all your trips abroad?

It is included thanks to TRAVEL⁺.

To fully enjoy your stay, it is best to be covered by this health insurance abroad, included in EASY HEALTH!

Some examples of reimbursement

10 sessions of kinesotherapy.
Invoice 354€
Reimbursement CNS 247€
Reimbursement DKV 106€
Expenses at your charge 0€

New glasses with corrective lenses
Invoice 559€
Reimbursement CNS 73€
Reimbursement DKV 486€
Expenses at your charge 0€

1 crown
Invoice 865€
Reimbursement CNS 207€
Reimbursement DKV 600€
Expenses at your charge 58€

Individual room in 1st class for 5 days
Invoice 609€
Reimbursement CNS 0€
Reimbursement DKV 609€
Expenses at your charge 0€

Surgery in a German hospital
Invoice 12.300€
Reimbursement CNS 0€
Reimbursement DKV 12.300€
Expenses at your charge 0€

Rescue with helicopter, surgery in a private clinic and repatriation
Invoice 14.200€
Reimbursement CNS 0€
Reimbursement DKV 14.200€
Expenses at your charge 0€

Interested? Ask for a quote without any obligation!

Your data is treated confidentially.

This service is free of charges and without any obligation to buy.

What is private health insurance ?

A private health insurance is an insurance that supplements or extends the benefits of the public health insurance. Here are some points that highlight the function and benefits of a private supplementary health insurance:

Supplementing the public health insurance:

Private supplementary health insurance aims to fill in the gaps that may be created by the public health insurance.

Additional benefits:

It offers additional benefits that go beyond the standard scope of public health insurance. These can include, for example, visual aids, dentures, alternative practitioner treatments, or even single room accommodation and treatment by a chief physician in hospital.


Insured persons receive reimbursement for medical costs that are not covered or only partially covered by statutory health insurance.

Tax savings:

Private health insurance is tax deductible, allowing tax savings. This tax saving depends mainly on the salary and other deductible insurances (e.g. car insurance). 

Private supplementary health insurance can be a useful addition to cover financial risks in case of illness and to ensure better medical care.