Du 15 juillet au 15 septembre 2024, taxx.lu offre une réduction de 20% sur ses forfaits Plus et Premium. Utilisez le code SUMMER-20
Auto Scan

Dernière actualisation le 26 April 2022

New feature on taxx.lu: Automatic import and extraction of certain certificates

taxx.lu now allows you to automatically import and extract data from certain certificates, so that you can complete your tax return with as little manual input as possible. 
There are two ways to upload certificates to taxx.lu:

1) Using your smartphone. Click on the link in the "Auto Scan" form or scan the QR code. Take pictures of your certificates in portrait mode and as 'straight' as possible and add them.

2) Using your computer. Add your various certificates in photo or PDF format.

At the moment you can use this function for the following certificates: 

  • Insurance certificates
  • Consumer loan certificates 
  • Certificates for home loans
  • Home savings contracts

We will be adding more certificates and features on a regular basis to best meet your needs. 


Auto Scan

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