How can travel expenses be calculated ?
Indicate your place of residence and place of work to determine your travel expenses
Votre frais de déplacement:
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Travel Expenses Simulator
Our travel expense simulator allows you to view and check the amounts shown on your tax form and monthly payslip for travel expenses. This will help you avoid costly errors and maximize your tax deductions.
To determine flat-rate travel expenses, distance is measured in distance units, at a rate of €99 per year, taking into account straight-line kilometer distances between home and workplace, without considering the mode of transport used. For non-resident taxpayers, the distance is calculated by comparing the distance between the main town of the German, Belgian or French commune where the taxpayer lives and the place where he or she is supposed to enter Luxembourg territory.
The distance between the chief town of the commune where the taxpayer enters Luxembourg and his place of work must also be taken into account.
If, during year N, there is a change of commune of residence or place of work, and this results in an increase in the distance units, this increase takes effect from the month in which the change takes place. On the other hand, a decrease in remoteness units during the year has no impact on that year.